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This time around I've chose to highlight what I deem as "love" songs. Back when I was in Nuclear Death we received mail from outraged moms- wondering why we wrote about the things we did and why didn't we try something different- like say songs about love . . . I was baffled. How would that be different? I mean isn't that what most songs that clog the toilet of mainstream music are about?? So, I put my deviant thoughts into a hat along with some gold tissue that a demon gave me and it hit me- I'll write a different kind of love song! Here are two examples of love taken to the extreme . . . enjoy!

To Slice or Not To Slice


I would slice thin- the layers of my skin;

Disrobing my body of all flesh-

to have you . . .

In my arms again.

I could begin by peeling away

layers of skin from the soles of my feet . . .


Breathe on me, your urine scented breath!

Breathe my name as I smell your neck and limbs!

Breathe, damn you- as I suckle your tits!

Breathe for me- as I kiss your lower lips . . .


(To slice or not to slice)


Skinless, I would lay in a bed of salt;

In immense agony, I tear off my eyelids-

rip away my eyebrows-

I eat them- lashes and all . . .

I carve your initials deep in my face-

until I feel blade scraping bone . . .


Breathe on me, your urine scented breath!

Breathe my name as I smell your neck and limbs!

Breathe, damn you- as I suckle your tits!

Breathe for me- as I kiss your dry, puckered shit-hole . . .


(To slice or not to slice)


I will slice thin, sinew from bone;

Though I want to finish,

It is time for me to expire . . .

And so I lay next to you

in our new bed of my flesh and blood;

content in having you in peaceful agony;

as the Sun sets on the horizon,

Night falls forever behind my eyes . . .


Breathe on me, your urine scented breath!

Breathe my name as I smell your neck and limbs!

Breathe, damn you- as I suckle your tits!

Breathe for me- as I die for you . . .


(To slice or not to slice)

The Meat of Its Underflesh


I want to choke it until it moves no more;

I want to squeeze its soft globes of flesh-

until the two dark tops explode upwards;

I want to tear open its body- pulling it in halves;

I want to violate its insides;

I want to adorn myself with its innards . . .


I want to eat the meat of its underflesh.

I want to eat the meat of its underflesh.


Now if I say that I love you-

will you be my girlfriend?


I want to shave it completely-

removing all of its hair;

I want to peel away all of its flesh

and wear it over my own;

I want to drain all of its blood-

and violate the empty husk;

I want to break open its bones-

and suck out the marrow-

both red and yellow . . .



I want to eat the meat of its underflesh.

I want to eat the meat of its underflesh.


Now if I say that I love you-

will you be my girlfriend?


I want to eat the meat of its underflesh.

The Meat of It's Underflesh - Feral Viscera
To Slice or Not to Slice - Feral Viscera
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